Welcome to Embody Your Way

My passion is to help people create the life they want from an authentic place of alignment. What do I mean by that? The person that you are now in your life is a composite of layers upon layers of shifts in identity, labels, and expectations, where you suppressed parts of yourself for a certain relationship or situation, or you morphed yourself into something that hasn't ever been comfortable. Sometimes you change your personality completely, just so that you can fit in and survive. In Human Design they call this the “Not Self” version of you. The difficulty in living the “Not Self” is that you start to adopt a false sense of identity and your body starts to express its unease-constant stress, emotional instability, depression, anxiety, exhaustion, and dis-ease.  At some point, you have an epiphany that you don’t like this version of yourself or that the person you have become no longer fits with the life stage you are in.  Have you ever had that time in your life where you genuinely asked, WHO AM I?

Are you ready to find out?

If it is time for a change; if it is time for you to come back to authentic alignment in yourself and being, then you have come to the right place.

If you are intrigued but are already talking yourself out of this exploration of Self because it’s easier to stick with what you know, or maybe it will bring up things you would rather not remember or confront, or maybe you don’t have the time, or, or, or…  let me lovingly say to you that you have nothing to fear here.  You have an energizing, more joyful and balanced life to gain and only heaviness, false stories, and exhaustion to lose.  Don’t be afraid to feel GOOD. 

In working with many people over the years, I have come to understand that what everyone deeply craves is to be seen and to feel empowered.  You only need to look at our society to see the desperate and unhealthy means unaligned people use to achieve both; fear, anger and suspicion dominate their emotions, and aggression, judgement and controlling others drive their behaviors.  These are red flags from our consciousness, screaming for attention and begging for a sense of personal power that we were all born to have.

How do we break out of these dysfunctional “Not Self” patterns? The key is to come back to your core Self, aligned and authentically present.  Once you do that, you have a paradigm shift that dominoes throughout your entire body and mind.  You change how you see yourself and the world, which changes how you think, which changes how you speak, which changes how you act. And just like that, you are now authentically choosing who you are, how you feel, and what you do.



  • You are ready for a change and shift in consciousness.
  • You are ready to evolve, confront and transcend the limitations you have been living from.
  • You want to expand your perceptions.
  • You are willing to explore yourself, listen to the wisdom of your body, and greet a more authentic version of you.
  • Your heart and mind are open, and you are committed to seeing beyond what is on the surface.



  • An important relationship has ended, and you feel lost after giving so much of yourself to another.
  • Your kids have left home and your role as a 24/7 parent is shifting.
  • You are at a life stage transition, such as retirement from a lifelong career or experiencing the changes in living and family pressures as we get older.
  • You have looping thoughts that keep you stuck or continually traumatize you.
  • Life feels dissatisfying and you feel drawn to reinvent yourself but don’t know how to proceed.
  • You are coming out of a “dark night of the soul”, and you need and want to re-set, release and re-define who you are.
  • You love adventurous self-awareness and personal growth.
  • You are drawn to be the best version of yourself.


My name is Daria, and I am your Awareness Guide.  I am here to guide you towards your own self-empowerment, self-love, and choosing the version of you that you WANT to be.  No trauma required.  My techniques are all recharging, balancing and insightful; designed to lead you to experience AWE with YOURSELF.  Because the TRUE YOU IS AWESOME and the world needs you to step forward and shine.


I invite you to evolve, confront, and transcend the limitations that you have set for yourself. I am here to help you learn to reclaim the present parts of you from your past. I am committed to helping you unfold your highest potential, to bring about a shift in your conscious awareness, and to nurture any seeds of change that you plant for yourself. Together we will expand your perceptions and embrace your diversity of thought and spirit and reweave a tapestry of deeper understanding of yourself. I promise that the truths of your heart will be recognized and met with kindness and compassion, and that the darkest moments can always be transmuted into light and hope. Because from discord we can bring you to peace, and from fragmentation we can bring you to harmony.  Deep down, we are all incredibly resilient and masters of change. Know that every negative can be the birthplace of a new positive adventure in your life, and any feelings of deep darkness or despair isn't the end, it is a turning point into light and self-transformation. Through this transformation we will reveal pathways previously hidden by layers of stories and survival adaptations that no longer serve you.

There are Multiple Paths to Get There, Which is Best for You?


Which path back to Self-alignment and joyful living is right for you? That depends on how deeply you want to explore and reset. Any step in a new direction is a step in the right direction, so there is no wrong choice.

If you want to dip your toe in, Frequency Balancing, Narrative Re-framing, and Quantum Human Design are excellent options.

FREQUENCY BALANCING: Using a combination of body energy work, tones and sounds, emotional freedom technique (EFT), and flower essences, we will bring your energy body into the frequency of new patterns and perspectives, so that you can anchor into your new ways of being. This helps you to resist falling back into old habits that no longer serve you. This is a good introduction to energy work of different types that offers a brief respite from stresses, confusion, and anxiety.

NARRATIVE RE-FRAMING USING YOUR HUMAN DESIGN CHART: All experiences in our lives are interpreted through the unique filters of our personal narratives. Self-worth, meanings, beliefs, and outside influences directly shape our perceptions of what is true and what is possible. Using the BE-ing On Purpose journal, Human Design chart, and empowering language, we will review your life themes and personal stories around them.  What stories can be rewritten to better reflect who you want to be?


QUANTUM HUMAN DESIGN CHARTS: Learn all about your energy type, inner authority, life themes & lessons, and innate skills that you were designed with to navigate your life.  Personal narratives and clearing away the layers of filters we have taken on that don't actually belong to us, are key components to living an authentic and joyful life.  Provides deep insights into relationships, how you learn, the best work for you, parenting, and your life and soul purposes.

A waist-deep wade into issues that need some rapid resolution would be best served by BodyMind Bridge sessions. For example, anxiety from an inability to make a life decision, relieving immediate stress, releasing trapped emotions or pains from traumas or injuries, creative blocks and even developing deeper connectivity to intuitive abilities have been beautifully addressed with BodyMind Bridge.

BODYMIND BRIDGE: So many people tend to go about their day-to-day in what is called a survival trance; dissociation during times of extreme stress or trauma.  The emotions that are linked to these events tend to dictate our mood and govern our perceptions of the world around us.  Prolonged periods in a survival trance state can quickly and easily become a habit, which is a mental and physical response that you are no longer consciously aware of.

BodyMind Bridge recognizes the wisdom of our body and mind to continually signal us that we need to pay attention to something within ourselves. Unfortunately, the symptoms our body uses as signals to get our attention, such as headaches, anxiety, depression, pain, emotional reactions, substance abuse and addiction issues, are often exactly what we tend to ignore, shove down deeper, take a pill, a drink, or a drug for.  We numb ourselves to keep going on with our lives.  What kind of existence is that?

The tragedy of this is that it is all so unnecessary. We need to understand the signals and give our bodies and minds the attention they need.  Using an amazingly visual and imagination-rich restorative trance state, BodyMind Bridge provides trauma-free healing and reintegration on all levels of your being. It does not involve you talking about or rehashing the causes of your deepest hurts, but instead allows you the quiet space you need to communicate with your body and understand what it needs to heal, release, or integrate. So, if you have any resistance rooted in fear of what might arise if you pay too close attention, remember that there are always parts of yourself ready and able to support other parts that don't trust, are afraid, or are scattered.

If you are ready for a deep dive transformation and clearing of the “Not Self”, healing and integration, a balanced mind and body, and introduction to your core Self, the BE-ing on Purpose program is your best choice. It is time to get you back on track.

BE-ING ON PURPOSE PROGRAM: This is an 11-week program that utilizes a tailored combination of the aforementioned modalities, in conjunction with the BE-ing on Purpose journal.  Each session lasts 2 hours and involves specific journal exercises, your Human Design data, energy work, sound healing, and a BodyMind Bridge session specific to your life themes, patterns, and focus. Time between sessions is one week, to allow for integration, but can be extended to two weeks if needed. The end result is a deeper knowing and connection with your core Self and a clear slate to start creating a more joyful and intentional existence. Once your old stories, emotional patterns and self-sabotaging habits have been recognized and healthily addressed, released, or integrated, you will be emotionally balanced, lighter, happier, more curious about the world, more tolerant and understanding of others, more intuitive and deeply empowered.  Welcome to an authentic YOU.

What's Coming Up for 2024...

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Hello! Please let me know what questions I can answer for you and how we can get you back on track with your authentic Self, happiness, fulfillment, balance and Self knowledge.


Embody Your Way

Poulsbo, WA
